Red Iguana

Iguanas have strict feeding and housing requirements, can grow quite large, and require a high level of care; but for those who are willing to put in the work they can make an amazing and rewarding pet. With time, they will come to enjoy your company and may become quite affectionate.
Other Animal Facts
Mexico and South America
Can vary from a slight red or orange hue to a bold red color, with black stripes or shading that darkens on the tail
Size & Lifespan
Needs a basking spot of 100°F, and an ambient temperature of 75-80°F
Iguanas are a unique and entertaining pet. Handle regularly to keep them tame. They are territorial and do not like cage mates.
Eats dark, leafy greens, some fruit, and a weekly calcium supplement. Avoid high-protein diets.
Due to its size, iguanas will quickly outgrow an aquarium and need a custom built enclosure, with lots of branches for climbing.
Adults can grow up to 7 feet in length and weigh up to 20 pounds. Can live 10-12 years.