The world is filled with sights, sounds, smells, and myriad other environmental factors that can be overwhelming for puppies. It’s important to socialize your dog early so that she feels comfortable outside of the safety of your home when she meets other people and animals. Without proper socialization, your best buddy could become anxious, depressed, or even aggressive. When should socialization start? The ideal socialization age for puppies is between three and twelve weeks old, […]
Does heartworm prevention and flea prevention need to be given year-round?
One of the most frequently asked questions that many veterinarians get is whether heartworm and flea prevention should be used year-round. The resounding answer is, “Yes.” Regular flea and heartworm prevention are essential for keeping your dog healthy and happy. Read on to learn more. Fleas Pose a Year-Round Threat Contrary to popular belief, fleas aren’t a seasonal pest. While freezing temperatures can kill fleas, it often isn’t enough to eliminate the problem altogether. These […]
Pros and Cons of Sleeping With your Do
We all dream of it – cuddling up with your pooch in bed on a cool night, reading by your nightlight and snuggling down for the evening. So, is it good or bad to co-sleeping with your dog? We weigh in on the pros and cons of sleeping with Fido in your bed. First, let’s start with the pros of sleeping with your dog He’s soft and snuggly, and you just adore that light snoring […]
Tips to Keep Your Dog’s Ears Clean
Keeping your dog’s ears clean is important for maintaining their overall health. While some dogs’ ears are naturally clean and require little maintenance, others need extra care. Dogs with long or really furry ears, like cocker spaniels, that accumulate dirt and debris more easily are often more prone to ear infections and other problems. The physical makeup of your dog’s ears isn’t the only factor that increases their risk for ear conditions. Yeast and bacteria […]
The Facts About Dogs and Their Paws
Are you concerned that your dog is licking or chewing her paws a little too much? Although licking is associated with normal grooming behavior for dogs, when it becomes excessive and includes constant chewing, this could indicate an underlying problem. One of these conditions could be the culprit behind your dog’s incessant grooming. Allergy: Whether it’s the result of seasonal allergies or a flea infestation, dogs lick their paws to relieve the itch. Keep in […]
5 things you must know about Heat Stroke in Dogs
When exposed to the hot sun for long periods of time, dogs can suffer from a serious condition called heat stroke. It’s important that you know the signs and understand how to prevent your dog from suffering from heatstroke. Here are five facts that you must know. 1. Normal body temperature in dogs is 100.5-102.5 degrees. Heatstroke will occur when a dog’s body temperature reaches 107-109 degrees. Dogs don’t sweat through their skin the same […]
Is a dog walker right for you?
Daily walks are essential to our dog’s happiness and wellbeing. Your dog could require up to 3 walks per day depending on its age, breed, and energy level. With the daily hustle and bustle of work, school, and social activities, making time for your dog’s walk may feel like a difficult act to balance. Recently many cities have seen the introduction of dog walking services who can help bridge the gap for individuals like yourself […]
4 Things that happy dogs do
Make Eye Contact Dogs will focus on things that they like and are interested in. If they are intimidated or scared of something, they won’t want to look at it, much the same as a person may cover their eyes if they were to see something scary! Regular eye contact with your dog is a sign that they love and trust you, so hold their gaze from time to time, to show that you love […]
Road trip tips — How to travel with your dogs
Spring is a great time to take a road trip. If you plan on bringing your pup with you, here are a few tips for a successful road trip. 1. What to pack — While on your road trip, you’ll want to try to keep your pet’s daily routine as regular as possible. This won’t be easy since you’ll be focused on the road, but be sure to pack his favorite treats, […]
Uber Pet the newest Rider Option
Your dog is your best friend and uber is your favorite app, so what do the two have to do with each other? Well, Uber recently introduced its newest travel option, Uber Pet. Here’s how Uber Pet is changing rideshare. Uber Pet allows you to bring a pet on your Uber trip. Before the introduction of Uber Pet, rideshare applications only allowed service animals to accompany riders. A service animal is defined as an animal […]